With Public Voting, you can create polls in real time at an event or set up regional, national, or international online surveys. At events, you can get check the crowd’s mood spontaneously, or create polls about specific subjects (Audience Response). Audience members vote ad hoc with their cellphone via text message (to a standard phone number) or with a #Hashtag via the web app. Results of the survey can be seen on a projector screen at the event. Online surveys are not tied to any location and can be carried out with any group of people.
Real time voting at an event (crowd feedback, surveys at events with projectors) Online surveys (regional, national, and international polling not bound to location)
Text Message and phone number (standard phone number): AU$ Web Interface with individual #Hashtag: AU$
1 day (24h): AU$ 2 days (48h): AU$ 1 week: AU$ (most popular) 1 month: AU$ 1 year: AU$
Please choose the start date for your order. Please book a date at least two business days in advance to allow for configuration.
Use Response Texting: AU$
This feature allows you to send an automatic text message response to all participants (for example, “Thank you for participating!”). You can determine which response is sent out via the moderation page. Each sent text costs 0.12 € extra.
Use corporate branding: AU$
In the moderation page, you can change the display of the survey results to include your company’s logo or picture (e.g., for use in a Powerpoint presentation, the results page of the survey can appear in your company’s font, colors, and with a logo).
Via PayPal Via direct transfer
I have read the privacy policy. I consent to my personal data being processed as part of my order and I commission hma GmbH to process my order. I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions of the hma GmbH.
* Required fields. After purchase is complete, an email with access to Vote by Text will be sent to you. All prices include a 19% luxury tax (only applies to EU-based companies). Payment is carried out via PayPal or direct transfer.