Legal notice

  • Contact information:
    hma GmbH – Digitale Lösungen
    Moritzburger Str. 27
    01127 Dresden

    Authorised partners of hma GmbH and legally responsible for the content are: Matthias Haase and Alexander Martin

    Registration number in the commercial registry Dresden: HRA 6817
    Tax identification number: 202/155/32403
    Tax office Dresden II, VAT ID no.: DE252873283

  • Tel.: +49 (0) 351 / 500 97 21

  • Copyright:
    All rights reserved. The website and its contents are protected by copyright. It is not allowed to copy or distribute the website or elements of it, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of hma GmbH.

    © 2025 hma GmbH

    Picture credits:
    hma GmbH, the respective photographers, event organisers and partners.

  • Liability note:
    Despite careful checks and controls of the contents, hma GmbH cannot assume any liability for the contents of external links. The contents of these sites are the sole responsibility of the site owners.

    No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of the information presented here. hma GmbH assumes no liability for errors or omissions and assumes no obligation to keep the information presented here up to date. hma GmbH reserves the right to change the information presented here and the services described here ant any time and without prior notice.

    Product names and company names:
    the companies and product names mentioned on this website could be registered trademarks or brand names owned by the respective businesses.